After ordering at Website, to track the order status and shipping process, you can see 2 tracking methods as follows:

1. Tracking at Nhat Tin Logistics Website

Nhat Tin Logistics is the only shipping unit cooperating with Crocs Vietnam Website so far.

Step 1: Access the website

Step 2: Select the TRACK YOUR ORDER section and input your tracking code in the blank box. The Tracking code, also known as the Order Code, is identified by symbols starting with CRO-100xxxxx

After entering the order code and selecting the Search command, information related to the shipping process will be displayed immediately below. Includes content such as recipient information, expected delivery time and transportation itinerary to warehouses,...

2. Tracking at Crocs Vietnam Website

To track the order at Website Crocs Vietnam, you need to register an account on Website

Step 1: Visit the website and select ORDER STATUS in the right corner of the screen.

Desktop version

Mobile version

Step 2: If you have not logged in before, the login/register request screen will display as shown. Please provide the account information used for shopping to access your order.

Step 3: After successfully logging in, select ORDERS to view detailed shopping history. Here, you have 2 ways to track order details:

3.1 To check the purchased products or the payment/shipping address of the order code you are interested in, please click on View Details to update detailed information.

Click on the order code you want to track to access the information

Detailed order information

3.2 To continue checking the order operation process, please click on Tracking Order to access more shipping information at Nhat Tin Logistics website.

Hope you have a wonderful shopping experience at Crocs Vietnam.